the bookfair

7th Annual Halifax Anarchist Bookfair
August 31st, 2024 (Sept 1st rain date)
Location: Old Spring Garden Library, 5381 Spring Garden Road, Halifax

The face of coercive domination constantly shapeshifts, though at its core we know the foundation remains unchanged: capitalism, colonialism and centralized power. Action is demanded urgently and the immensity of the breadth of injustices can be mind-boggling: ongoing genocides, the housing crisis, the steady rise of fascism, the ever-present simmering of the environmental and climate crisis, the realities of prison & poverty, and the ongoing war against trans, Black, Indigenous, POC, disabled (etc) people. As anarchists, we see our struggles as interconnected and solidarity as our strongest weapon – standing together to fight against and dismantle coercive power and oppression nourishes vitality and continuity in our struggles. We cry together “Until All Are Free” and feel its truth in our bones.

In this spirit of solidarity, we invite you to come to the 7th Annual Halifax Anarchist Bookfair. This year we want to reflect on struggles both local and world-wide, find ways to strengthen our solidarity, and learn new ways to respond to urgent injustices with collective direct action, self-determination, mutual aid, integrity, and joy.
The Halifax Anarchist Bookfair is a co-created space by anarchists for anarchists and those curious about anarchism to promote discussion and dissemination of anarchist ideas and practices.
We are looking for co-conspirators to contribute to the rebellious spirit and collective learning space the bookfair offers. We will have a day of workshops and tabling books, zines and art, with gatherings and parties throughout the weekend. Get in touch with your inquiries at
Table requests and workshop proposals deadline is July 1st (get in touch if you have an idea and need more time!)

Towards an anarchic K’jipuktuk and a freer, more just world.